Monday, 29 October 2018

It's done. To the year (well almost)

So after a litle over 12 months, the book is almost done.

It's been a voyage of discovery as this is the first time I have written with a partner. primarily for editing but it has been great to sound ideas off of another person during the authoring process.

So the book is standing at just over 100 thousand words. Cut down from the 140k that it was originally, but I feel it makes for a better novel.

So, one more pass and then its off to the agents we go. It's an exciting time for us, and fingers crossed there is lots more in the tank.

I've said it before, but writing is not the issue. The editing, having to deal with people is. Hey, each to their own talents though.

Thanks for reading and check back soon for more updates on where we are with the publishing process, the good and the bad of it all.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

How Far Is Too Far?

Well, it has been a very long and challenging week but I am here now, back in front of the keyboard and that is what counts.

So, what am I up to today? Hammering out the next chapter, chapter 29 & 30. So a few things to talk about tonight. Firstly by my calculations, I am around 30k away from finishing. This is good but leaves me with another exciting issue.

  • What issue, I hear you ask.
  • Well, what do I do next?
  • Rinse and repeat or move onto something new and improved?

So what do I mean by rinse and repeat?

Well, that is an excellent question. Firstly, do I keep repeating the draft process or just rinse off the required number of words ready for submission then worry about the rest later?
How many times do you go through the draft process before you submit? Again, this is another excellent question, and honestly, one that I cannot answer for you. I guess you know when you know. Sometimes it's good to get it out there, and other times it's good to take more time and slow it down. Polish every word before you submit, because you only get one chance to make the right first impression.

What do I do next?

In this instance, I have left the judgement up to the editing team. They have grand plans and want to try different approaches to the submission process. Whatever that means! From the novel, to screen and graphic art. They have big plans, but as I have said in previous blogs both here and on the website. I am full of ideas, the latter stages of the process bog me down when in all honesty, I just want to keep on writing.

So what to next? I have plans. 31 of them in total. Yes, you read that correctly, not 1 but 31 new works in the pipeline. So please check back from time to time, once the first one is picked up I will be able to provide you more detail as the 'cat will be out of the bag' by then.

Rinse and repeat or move onto something new and improved?

I refer to this a few times. Rinse and repeat, by this I mean more science fiction and fantasy or something new and entirely different to my writing style. My head is hankering for the latter, but something tells me I need to do some more of the first to get through the backlog. Either way, there will be words on a page, and that is all that matters.

So, after nearly a year my latest work is almost complete, there's just the little matter of a few characters to sort out (no spoilers), and the inevitable 'The End' to be written.

So what have a learnt from this writing journey then?

Quite a lot, a year is a little bit of a stretch in writing time. Most of the bulk of the chapters have been written in the past two months. Out of a thirty chapter novel, the last twelve were written in fast succession. What this tells me is that I can be, when correctly motivated, focused to achieve a lot in a short period of time. Writing in bulk also helps with my continuity and integration into character depth. Writing with long breaks or in short bursts, I have noticed that there is a tendency to waver or drift.

Working with an editor on a daily basis has been a lot of fun too. Challenging at times, but I have looked upon the opportunity as a welcomed experience and not one to be passed over in the future. It also served to drive me forwards, knowing that there was a person there, waiting for your pages, on a daily basis gave you added time pressure. It was not only a matter of time though, it felt like I was writing for them or to them, so there was the aspect of direct feedback. This stopped me from rabbit holing too much too long and we could rectify plot issues as they unfolded instead of at the end when rewriting could be more detrimental.

Have I finished yet?

No, and this is the problem. Those plots and planning steps that we all know and love. Those notes for what will come next that we have all written in margins of notebooks and new file documents. Well, let's just say that this time there has been a problem.

It's comical when I come to think about it, but here goes. I intended to end the book in a certain way, and with certain people. The problem that has come to light is this, the book had other ideas, and now I have taken the final act in an entirely different direction. The strange thing to contemplate is that they are my words, written or typed by my hand, and yet here we are in a entirely different endgame than what I first expected.

The more I read it, the more it makes logical sense, given character progression and the natural order of how things would pan out for both the reader and the storyteller. That does not quash the niggle though, that little itch that keeps telling me to go back three chapters are reworked it all to make the ending what I originally intended. Tough choices need to be made, so here we go.

I have decided to end the book as is, to let the logical choice flow and stop.

I will then do what my brain is telling me to do and go back twenty thousand words and rewrite the end game to make it what it was supposed to be. I will then let the editor or you the reader decide how you want it to end in good old fashion adventure style. The book will either be published with both endings or one, and the alternative will be on the website for you to contemplate. Let's call it my nod to the red/green books (hidden meaning).

The end is in sight, but wait, what's that red light.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Chapter 27 - Locked and Loaded

So, another one had been dropped into the editor's inbox. After a bit of a flourish, I now have time to blog again. Its been a few weeks since I last posted, so what's been going on?

Work, writing, and learning the piano all over again. All the usual stuff to keep me occupied.
Focusing on writing though, I am now 27 chapters in on the latest project. It has been running since the middle of 2017 and is at around the 140k mark as we speak today. With editing, it has notched up to a little higher.

The book is very close to completion, of the first draft that is. Once completed and the editor has caught up with the backlog. A subtle nudge there is you are reading. Then it will be recut, shut and pushing it out to the agents.

The story is part one of a potential two book series although the material is expansive and lots could be expanded upon. Part of me wants to wrap it all up into one book, but you know how editors get. Always looking for a series where they can.

Borrow are respin (#writingadvice) : One of the reasons this project has moved along so quickly is because I borrowed a couple of well-formed characters from a previously unpublished work. Never start from scratch, especially when you have some characters that are complete and, excuse the pun, sitting on the shelf.

Anyway, a short blog today. Keep on writing, it's no good having stories in your head. Get them down on paper (or virtual).

I am currently predicting that the project will be complete sometime in May. So many more to start and complete though, but I am looking forward to beginning another joint project. This one has driven me to write more, faster with the knowledge that there is a support network to keep me focused.

Writer (me), editor (Mr S) and a screenwriter (Still to be confirmed).

Website Blog

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Writers Software Choices

One pet hate is when you pay good money for software you need to help save time and it does the complete opposite. This is frustrating to say the least. Our times as writers is precious especially when writing is not our full time role. Therefore to be facing issues with software, the one thing that allows us to put things onto paper quicker can lead to anger. 
Over the years and during writing the books in my catalogue of work, I have used many different hardware and software devices to put my thoughts down. Some have been good, whilst some have been extremely detrimental to that creative process. 
The important thing to remember before reading on is that what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. The approach that I take will not be the same as yours or should it be. The intent here is to show the development process and some of the struggles I have faced over the course of the years I have been behind a keyboard.
With that in mind what I am about to tell you probably gives you and indication of how long I have been writing. So my first device was an Amstrad 464 which shipped with a tape drive and a free word processor called Easi-AmsWord. This to date is still the best word processor I have every used, which may come as a surprise to many of you considering how basic it was but here are my reasons why.
  • No spell checker. Yes that's right. It shipped as is so a dictionary was vital to ensuring you made no mistakes. At the time I had and used a thesaurus which was a trusted tool.
  • Max file size. The 464 would only allow you to write so many lines before it would be unable to store any more into temp memory. This meant that you would only ever be able to write ~ 2-5 pages before backing up and moving on. This allowed for a very focused way of writing. There was no ability to go back to a previous chapter or side two different chapters side by side.
  • Time to load. It took around 2-3 minutes to load up the word processor then further time to find the file you were working on and load that via the tape drive. All of this meant that once you were ready to start working you were in the zone. Today's ability to flick on and off is good but often allows for personal procrastination.
  • The keyboard, oh my word the keyboard was insanely good. The right height the right depth of key for speed writing. It was a dream. Whilst we are on keyboard.


So keyboards, yes this is my personal addiction. As stated above my 464 had to date my favourite keyboard. It's important to note the to date part of the previous statement. As I am always on the hunt for new ones. My second favourite keyboard is an old IMB model M. Folding spring model but this is too loud at night and keeps most of the neighbourhood awake whilst I am working.

I am currently writing this on a surface keyboard which is very good but still lacks the physical connection to a key press that earlier, sturdy keyboards provide. The recent revival of mechanical keyboards have gone a long way in reviving that experience but with a modern take. Keyboards loaded with Cherry MX or ML keys are good and allow for a very tactile experience when I am writing. The surface keyboard and its folding equivalent allow for lots of high speed word bashing without suffering the wrath of the family shouting at me for interrupting their sleep.

Back to software:

So through the years and with faster devices being made available for cheaper prices the king of the word processor dominated my writing path. Yes I am talking about Word. Love it or hate it you cannot deny that it does exactly what its supposed to do and it does it well. There are too many pros and cons for this one and over the years even MS have listened to their users to reduce some of the later whilst maintaining the for.

I have to be honest here and say that Word has been and will be my fall back tool for years to come. With the bulk of my back catalogue still sitting in .doc format.

Passing word by I moved onto Scrivener for a few years. Again this is a good tool and helped me to start writing again at speed but it also hindered it quite substantially too. Lot's of people love it but after two books I felt we had to depart ways. The process of writing seemed too complicated and if anything a word processor just like a pen is a tool to help and not hinder.

My departure with the above led to a bit of a word processing crisis for me. Do I return to the old ways and use word. Look even further back to the word perfects or push onwards to the Google equivalents.

After dabbling with a bit of nostalgia I decided to move forwards and I am now heavily seated in gdocs. Not perfect but it does allow me to collaborate at speed with my editor and other writers. Simple in nature, a hark back to the very fundamentals of what a word processor should be and for that I am happy.

The biggest single advantage however is cloud computing. An always up approach to writing, any device and connection anywhere. This is where the power in my current choice resides.

I hope this blog was of interest to you. Please remember though. What works for you is the most important choice to make. Be in Mac or PC. MS or Google. Bespoke or generic. Seek out what makes your writing sessions a success. The end of the journey is always the same, a book. The process or getting there can be infinitely different. From paper and pen to computer. Go make your choice but never be afraid to explore and seek out other peoples advice. You never know it might make you sessions more enjoyable.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Long Week: Positive Outcome

Well that was a very long week. Which unfortunately meant that I was unable to join the #5amwritersclub.

Work can be one of those distractions that aids my writing or hinders it. It all depends on the pressure. Let me explain. 

Some days work can be full on 100 mph and 12-14 hour days. When the pressure is so high it can often help to spur my writing on. As long as I can protect that 1 hour slot at 5AM. 

When work is everything and all consuming it can however impact my writing and not just by the fact that I run out of time. It can put my creativity on a negative slant. Where I rush my sessions, looking for work count over content because time is so short. 

Linking back to some of my previous posts, ensure you have the ability to notice the warning sides of this second effect. With my current work 'Top to Bottom: Working Title' the editor is keeping a mindful eye on these tell-tales. When I am working on my own the first edit is usually when I pick it up and this can often be too late. 

Today's point to take away is this: never write because you have to. Never force words because you think you need to. 

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Free stuff on Amazon

Well, I almost forgot I had this one published but here it is on a free promotion for all of those people who want something fun to read.

It's short but sweet full of action and magical nonsense but I am still proud of it all the same. A total departure from my usual content.

Go check it out. Hal's Tale:

The reason this little book came into life was quite simple. My eldest asked me to write her a book for her birthday. Time was short and with less than three weeks to pull it together, Hal's Tale was born.

It's a good example of how time pressure can work for you and against you. Lot's of words and OK plot, some great scenes and not a lot of editing. The last point is the reason why I have not pulled it down and reworked it, even now after all this time. It serves as a reminder of measure twice and cut once rule but when faced with the time I had and the request of a daughter something had to give. So, this book shows what can be achieved in twenty one days if you sacrificing the second and third rewrites.

One day I will go back and rework the whole thing as this version is the 'Short' version. There is a 'Longer' version kicking about in the cloud somewhere but other projects keep getting in the way.

Anyway, go read if you have the time and let me know what you think. Like or dislike all feedback, when constructive, is useful.

Thanks again for reading the blog. LT.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Chapter 22 - (Four Tips For Today)

Chapter 22 - Not making the rapid progress that I would like. 

Forcing writing is never a good idea but there are tricks you can play to over come those little writing blues we all suffer from now and again. 

In no particular order here are some of my own personal self help tips to get the thread flowing again. 
  • Turn the radio / TV on or open a newspaper / magazine. Read or listen to two lines or sentences. Mash two different sources together. Write a paragraph using those subjects within your own story. This can work really well to add back story or sub plots into an area where you are struggling to progress. Sometimes straight through is not always the only answer, sometimes going around can be just as good. This trick I learnt on a creative writing course, many moons ago but it still works for me. 
  • Alter your surroundings but do no procrastinate. A change is as good as a... Yep that old chestnut but this works for me too. Change where you are working, alter you outlook. Go look out of a different window. Sit in a Café, listen to other people talking but not in a scary way. Also, exercise, go for a walk or play a game anything to pull you away from what you actually are stuck on. 
  • Music, yes this one works really well for me too. In short when I write I often imagine the story in music most likely because I am always writing to music. So it naturally becomes the soundtrack for the final novel. To the point where if I hear a piece of music it will link me to the chapter or the plot I was working on at the time it was added. This trick can help pull you back into the frame and mind set of wiring again. 
  • Chat to your editor, this is the replay trick. Talk to the person who is working of the last few chapters you wrote. It's amazing what information you can gleam from this experience. How they expect the book to progress based on the work they have recently edited. You can almost use them as a metronome, a simple beat beat to keep you on track. This last one is a new one for me as this is the first book I have written with an editor on board from the beginning. Note, this could be anyone not just an editor but bouncing ideas off people is always handy.
Just four tips for today because you may have guess I am blogging and not writing, so maybe four tips but this one could fit into option two. 

Well hopefully this was of some use to anyone who take the time to read it. Please let me know if it was either through the website or via twitter, twitter is where I am most active at the moment. 

  • If all of this fails the go for the nuclear option and kill off a main character. Only kidding don't do this. This is bad.
Update: So a quick writing session with my eldest was all it took. The eyes of a child is an amazing thing. The ideas they can come up, instantly and without preconception of what is good an bad is truly amazing.

So with all of that in mind, I am back on it. Hammering the keys, well not too had as I'm not totally sure that this keyboard would take it.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Chapter 22 - Writers block

So, lots going on here today.

It is officially my last day of a two week break where the main subject matter was:

1. Spend quality time with the family
2. Spend time making the dog a normal pet and not the muppet he is (puppies)
3. Write
4. Write
5. Game in VR
6. Game in D3

Tick box in all of them, apart from 2 where I swear the dog is being a muppet on purpose just to wind me up.

So back to points 3&4, as some of you may be aware I have been working on a new book with an editor. Yes you read that correctly, an editor. 

A simple project with big promise and as I have already stated in previous posts the editor has both been a blessing and a curse.

  • A blessing - Allows me to write at full pace without really having to do any one the fly edits.
  • A curse - Always chasing me to produce more, faster, quicker.

The second part is not really and issue as I can write under pressure and usually this is when I produce my best stuff. The first part is a blessing as I feel unhindered by the fact I can just brain dump the story at the speed I can hit the keys.

Like many writers though, the end nigh. We are almost there, another book ready to put on the shelf. However with this one, the plan is slightly different. I have turned over the task of seeking publication to the editor. Yes, delegation is awesome.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Chapter Eighteeen...Chapter wait 20...wait what...

[Written sometime ago]

So here we are chapter eighteen. Two more to go and then the end will be upon yet another book. One more for the shelf, another set of dreams and nightmares commited to paper.

So now that is out of the way. Interestingly like I always seem to do I was heading for the end. The decision had been made. Chapter eighteen was going to be the crest of the wave that allowed me to start wrapping things up. So where's the but, well here it is.

After starting eighteen 'the altogether' for those that end up reading it in the future or if you find this blog retrospectively it will make sense. Eighteen was going well, all nicely flowing and then I had another thought 'the what if'.

So eighteen suddenly became twenty one and now I am back to adding yet more twists and turns to an already convoluted plot line. I think I still have handles on all the strings but it is getting pretty crowded now. This will all make sense when you read it but the point here is to build to a moment where everyone in the book is thrown together. You the read know how each character came to be in that place and at that time.

It's still going well, progressing nicely through the word count that we writers live and die by. The good session and the bad counter. Yet part of me is looking forward to getting to the end now. What started out as a short story premise has grown and grown to the point where it is now its only animal. There is nothing wrong with this but it is a little daunting to think that it all has to come off in the end and have I led you all to the point where it is going to payoff.

[Written 03/04/2018]

So, here's the really interesting thing. Twenty one got bumped to twenty two and even more sub plots and main narrative has been added. 

It's amazing what two weeks off work will do to for you writing. When work is not the distraction that it always tends to be, lets be honest here it has to be because it pays the bills. 

I was looking back at some of my early stories, early works still unedited and unpublished and it made me think long and hard about how to get them onto the shelf. I think this is why I finally bit the bullet and excepted help in the form of my current editor. It really is refreshing to think that as fast as I can write it he can edit it. The more I put to page, the better the chance is of us getting out there in a more structured fashion.

After all, we write to be read. What's the point in having it static on a hard drive where no one else can see it. For all its good and its bad points.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Chapter Seventeen

It's been a few days now, trauma in the house (#dogslife).

However seventeen is progressing well. As I blogged about a few days back its decision time. Do I head for the hills or continue to amble around the foothills. I already know the answer but lets go through how I got to my decision. It may just be useful if you ever find yourself in the same situation.

So lets start with some background of the project I am currently working on.

Title: TBD
Method: Solo
Editor: Onboard

Basically the whole thing is a convoluted mess of who killed who and when they did it but at some point all of the characters need to be in one place at one time.

This is the crux of the end of the second act. So three act system in play here:

Act One: Set-up and character introductions.
Act Two: The main plots and subplots come into play.
Act Three: The twist.

Yes the above is pretty self explanatory but the problem is once you introduce the high point in act two its time to wrap up and aim for the end game.

So the question is, when is it the right time to head for the hills? Should the book be longer, is it too long already? How many words should it be?

The questions have plagued me throughout my writing career, I am sure it has yours too. So here are my responses. A chapter needs to be as long as it is to get the point across, yep cryptic but good advice. If you think its too long, then it is. Again if you think its too short then add some more detail in. On this last point, if you rush a scene because you're excited or you are bored then your ready will spot this a mile away. Remember to reward them for sticking with you in the book.

So here we go. I have headed for the hills. Yep, the end is now in sight, for this book at least (get out of jail free card being played right here). Plot points and end story is all charted out so there is no reason to delay other than to keep the reader guessing and after convulsions of this magnitude they need to be rewarded (there it is again).

All of this will be music to the editors ears as they have been wondering just where this one was going. In` short for a while back there I did not know but every meeting was filled with confidence and 'yes, it will all become clear'.

Not really a help guide more a way of you seeing my thought process.
My plot points are at the stage they should be wrapped up or fizzled out.
The characters have enough depth to them to make you love them or hate them.

In principle it is all downhill from here. Hopefully it will be one of those stories you all love to hate.
You know the ones I mean, the oh no I only have one hundred pages left. I do not want it to end. I hope the author writes a second one.

Don't forget to like if this helps, retweet or rip me off. I do not care just spread the word that writing is awesome and help all of those people who take it up as we all need someone to bounce ideas off.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

New website in the making

So after many many years (2012) the website is finally in the process of getting a much needed update.  That's not to say that the content will change much, more that it might actually look like something that was coded this century instead of one that was made in the late 90's.

In all fairness though it has served me well and has help to promote both my work and also my blog. This blog. Never fear though this gem of nuggets will remain a feature of any changes that are made.

Now to explore the mind field of content editors and WYSIWYG drag and droppers. To hell with coding it by hand like the old days, I just don't have the time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It will be a shame to see if go though, so as a homage I will make sure it is backed up and archived somewhere. It may even feature as an easter egg on website 2.0 if you can find it.

Updates: I was thinking about developing the whole site off my android tablet, just because you know. Why make it easy. Any suggestions would be welcomed. 

As you may have guessed off my more recent posts, I am doing anything I can to avoid writing. Funny that. Deadline is looming but all I seem to want to do is mess about on the web and play with the dog. Oh and there's that work thing, yep, that's pretty important too.

Anyway, whatever you're reading or writing. Good luck have fun. I hope it ends well or the words continue to flow in the right direction.

Rewind for the win!

So, just over a week ago now a new puppy came into the household and everyone was ecstatic.

Yes everyone. A week later I can already see the cracks starting to begin to break through.
It's not his fault. Like most new things that come into your life and rip it apart. He is just doing what he was born to do. Cause havoc and be cute. Whilst never sleeping and giving everyone the run around. He is a puppy after all.
So what does all this mean, well in short for the past week I have put exactly zero words to the page. This is not really a big deal to be honest. I can always catch it back if needed. I am however worried about the impact to the rest of the family. The emotional rollercoaster they all on at the moment and the inevitable question of doubt.
Yes, we all doubt ourselves. The decisions we make and the actions we take from time to time. We are only human after all. My worry here is that the doubt is centred around the obvious questions, should we have a dog at all.
The girls would argue yes and when I have broached this subject with them it has been faced with lost of childhood tears and panic. Yet I am left with a bigger issue, the health implications it is having on my wife. It cannot be overlooked and more importantly I have to do something about it.
For now I am taking all the night time wake ups and toilet breaks. My super power of Insomnia coming into play but I am not sure if this is enough to balance the underlying fact that the dog may just not fit with us as a family.
This is a really hard realisation to come to and to rationalise in my head. There's lots of help and advice out there on this subject and yes I am reading lots of it but its hard when I am just not there to help.

Update: It was a good day today, the girls and my wife have all gelled with Cosmo. This is a good thing. We are crate training and hopefully things may be looking up. It's a hard thing to do but hopefully the total disruption will be worth it.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

The Climb

So, not much of an update today I am afraid. Lots go on here and between both work commitments which I am afraid must come first and a new pet in our lives its all a little hectic.

That said, the ideas still flow so its really important to remember to have a notepad or a tech device close to hand so you can capture them for later.

On average I am currently driving around 3+ hours a day, to and from work. So this is a great time to both listen to eBooks (remember to be a writer we must also read) and to dictate new ideas or sections of work whilst on the go.

There are a number of Apps for this kind of work, including inbuilt memo Apps that are included in most connected cars these days. Which one suits you best, again a little trail and error goes a long way here. Find one, use it. Try another, find the best one for your needs and off you go.

Right now I tend to use the inbuilt memo app on my phone when paired to the car and then convert to the written word on an evening. For reference, the memo's are more like crib notes. The characters did this, then that. Places, scenes and settings. The heavy lifting of writing, when I get back in front of the keyboard the rest is gelling it all together.

On that note, I have used a number of writing Apps over the years. From my first beginnings on a 464k using a tape loaded processor with no spell checker or grammar tools. (Such freedom) through the words and the Scrievener and now finally back to Google Docs. I used to be all about the project approach but now I feel I am back to where I started. One chapter at a time, sequential, one page after another.

All of which have been executed on a number of platforms from home micro through to early x86's and through the laptop generation. The UMPC, the tablet, phone and now back to micro tablet with a folding keyboard. I suppose what all this means is, find something that works for you and exploit it. When you suddenly run out of steam, change the platform or the way in which you record your ideas and start again. It is surprising how much the right keyboard can affect your input levels.
Personal recommendations, IBM Model M (FTW) or a microsoft surface folding keyboard. Opposite ends of the noise spectrum but both equally good in their own rights.

The endless chase.

Well here we go then.

I am at that point in the book where I need to make the choice, there is always a choice in any book you write. Do you want to extend or do you want turn the corner and head for the finish line.

So, when is the right time to wrap up any book. If it's something you love and you're having a blast writing the story then this decision is all the more harder to make. Lets be honest whilst we are on a roll who would want to get to the point where it stops.

However, if you've reach a block it can be sometimes be a little to easy to close it out too soon instead of blasting on through the hard parts.

So which path will I take, to close it down or open it up and take to a whole new level.
Right, so here's where I need to take a heartbeat rating of the work so far. What do I mean by this?

Well let me tell you:
  1. Am I getting bored of the subject?
  2. Am I running out of ideas?
  3. Do I know how to finish it / want to finish it?
  4. Is there room for another book?
  5. Am I on a deadline / feel under pressure to conclude?
  6. Have I lost faith in the book and its direction?

OK, so some of the above questions are a little OTT but in short this is the kind of thing I ask myself each time I start a new chapter or think about a major plot point. I recommend you do to.
If all of the above are answered with a negative response then odds are you need to stop writing on this project. Stop now before you do any damage. If the answers are positive then either push on or strap wrapping up.

I will talk about the end game of novels and writing a little later but for now there are two ways out of my current situation:

  1. Turn left and head for the end.
  2. Turn right and keep on pushing and adding.

Either way, you and only you will know when the end is right and when just one more chapter will be the right thing to do.

Watch out for repetition, repetition.

Beware the repeat.

Yes we can be all guilty of it. The same sentence, the repetitive character. Beware you don't just rinse and repeat.

This is not really a problem if only one of your novels makes it to the shelf. However, if you have learnt heavy on the reuse, the cookie cutter, the classic two dimensional character. Then you might just be in trouble.

I use a number of methods to avoid this.

If it writes itself, it usually means I have already written it before. With so many in the back catalogue this can often be a danger that just cannot be avoided but if you feel yourself writing the same go to scene over and over then stop.

Change of character. Yep, we all love that one character. That Han Solo cheeky rogue. The lady in red that drives you man. The Bruce Wayne alter ego. Either way. Write it once and once only. If you love it enough to write it again, it probably means you did not right it to its fullest potential the first time around. If this is the case and you feel you have more to offer, then do just that. Interweave them into another story, rewrite the original or just begin again. All are acceptable. What is not acceptable is writing the same character with a different name, just because it is safe.

Kill them all. Easiest way to get that feeling to return out of the way is to kill them and bury them on paper and emotionally. OK this one is for fun but you know what I mean here. As a writer each character is a part of you. Use them, do not abuse them.

This one is for the win. Mirror your favourite char, black and white. The best way to continue the thread is to mimic and augment. If your favourite character is a good guy, make them mad. Take everything you love and make your readers hate them. This can ensure you avoid any issues with replication and duplication.

A quick and dirty list I know but it works for me at the moment. To recap:
  • Keep track of your characters, A6 cards work well for this.
  • Do not rinse and repeat. Make sure when you spot the reuse you nip it in the bud there and then.
  • Don't be scared to borrow but unless they are the same character in total do not clone and go. Your readers over time will spot this lazy way of writing and call you out for what you are doing. 
The flip side of all of this is a double edged sword. For those that you do wish to reuse:
  • Keep track of them
  • Make sure your timelines fit.
  • Flesh out their back stories, make them interesting and multi dimensional.
  • Determine where you are going with them before you start investing in their story.