Saturday, 14 April 2018

Long Week: Positive Outcome

Well that was a very long week. Which unfortunately meant that I was unable to join the #5amwritersclub.

Work can be one of those distractions that aids my writing or hinders it. It all depends on the pressure. Let me explain. 

Some days work can be full on 100 mph and 12-14 hour days. When the pressure is so high it can often help to spur my writing on. As long as I can protect that 1 hour slot at 5AM. 

When work is everything and all consuming it can however impact my writing and not just by the fact that I run out of time. It can put my creativity on a negative slant. Where I rush my sessions, looking for work count over content because time is so short. 

Linking back to some of my previous posts, ensure you have the ability to notice the warning sides of this second effect. With my current work 'Top to Bottom: Working Title' the editor is keeping a mindful eye on these tell-tales. When I am working on my own the first edit is usually when I pick it up and this can often be too late. 

Today's point to take away is this: never write because you have to. Never force words because you think you need to. 

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