Saturday, 26 September 2015

Going well

New book and a new style all helps to get you writing again. My latest work is a collision of two short stories. One fantasy and the other is science fiction. So far it is coming together nicely.

Sometimes a step back from a slow project and gorging in a new one is all it takes.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

1/3 of the way there

It has been an interesting 2015 to say the least.

For someone who used to be so prolific at writing and trying to get published over the last few years higher priorities have taken hold, family, career. However I believe I am finally making some headway in both of these areas and therefore I have managed to forge more time for writing.

It always surprises me how quickly you get can get back into something that you love. Writing has and probably always will be a great release for me. Like many writers or fiction it provides a release for all that pent up imagination that we accumulate on a daily basis.

So here I find myself, new tech, new story. Many changes.
I felt that Gen's Tale would require a rewrite of Hal's Tale and therefore, not to scare myself too much I decided to author something new. Nothing like a new challenge to get you back into the art.

A few more things to note as we begin on what I hope will be a new venture into writing, firstly the website is looking a little tired. So please look out for a revamp coming soon. Secondly, to all those that supported my first eBook publication: Hal's Tale, I would like to say a big thank you. Please note Gen's Tale is progressing well and I am hoping to complete the second episode in the Snow Depth trilogy by the close of 2015.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Writing so fast it hurts

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it can take an hour to write a sentence and then other times the words come so fast you can barely keep up with the mental process.

Well if you have ever be in this place then you will know how frustrating it can be to write so quickly that when you finally manage to draw (finger) breath you realise that your plot line has gone off at a complete tangent.

I am faced with a session such as this tonight. After successfully merging two projects I started to put some glue between the two story lines only to find that I had in all fact created a third one. Frustrating but still worth the effort. Now I need to pull this story line out for use in another project.

Why is it never easy. On the plus side it is really good to be writing again. #AmWriting.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Mixing and matching

So, a few updates since last time.
The new project Crystals of green and black is going really well. Finally managed to merge it with the target plot line and I feel it is really coming together now. It is nice to be writing again and on a new platform as well. The trusted Asus has finally gone to be replaced with a Windows Surface. So far so good, the keyboard has taken a little getting used to but then it won't take long.

Check back soon, I may release COGAB as chapters via the website this time instead of via Kindle.
Not totally decided on that one yet.

Shout out to my first fan as well, I actually managed to find somebody who wanted to read Hal's Tale that much they were looking for copies of it in their country.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Hero Quest Advanced

Old school gaming. UK to China. Long distance turn by turn rpg. Working but taking time. It's like chess but with loafs more blood gold and magic. So nothing like chess then.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Old notebooks are sometimes the best.

Well, having scrawled into many different journals during my time away from the art. I've decided to try and pool all my thoughts back into this. Bought for me a long long time ago but never really used and abused. Yet times change. I'm going to see if I can keep it simple and keep to a single journal this time round.

Back to the pen

So it finally happened. I started writing again. It's a great feeling to be free of old tales and starting new ones. Look out for new projects coming soon.